
We are a team of dedicated developers with scientific and engineering background that urge to create highly efficient and fast building simulation models, with very high level of detail and accurate representation of physics (and detailed model and solver validation). Also, we strive to create a very user friendly program interface with an innovative visual input data control principle.

The development team originates from the building physics group of the Institut für Bauklimatik, Faculty of Architecture, TU Dresden, Germany. Most of us are civil engineers with a passion for creating user-friendly simulation models, such as THERAKLES, DELPHIN, MASTERSIM. Also, we have created a common post-processing tool POSTPROC 2, that can be used for all of our simulation models. SIM-VICUS builds upon 25 years of experience in simulation model and user interface development at IBK@TU Dresden.

Dr. Andreas Nicolai

Project Leader, Core Software Developer, Solver Expert & Quality Assurance

Core solver and user interface developer, 3D engine and user interface design/implementation

Dr. Anne Paepcke

Developer - Solver Expert

NANDRAD solver development, numerical algorithms, model implementations

Dirk Weiss

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiß

User Interface Designer & Developer

User interface, dialogs, data transformation algorithms, 3D calculations

Hauke Hirsch

M. Sc. Hauke Hirsch

Developer - Hydraulic Networks Expert

Thermo-hydraulic network modeling, data structures, user interface.

Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Hirth

Developer - User Interface / Support Libraries

Modelling, Data Structures, User Interface (3D Interaction), Shading/View Factor Calculations

Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Fechner

IFC-Expert and knows everything about coding

IFC-Expert and knows everything about coding

Student Team

Anton Brock

Developer - C++ / Qt IMplementation

Student support developer - C++ / Qt IMplementation

Moritz Tschöpe

Developer - C++ / Qt Implementation

Student support - C++ / Qt Implementations

Maik Göken

Maik Göken

Developer - C++ / Qt Implementation

Student support - C++ / Qt Implementations